- 中文名:兰登·希门尼斯
- 别名:未知
- 性别:男
- 身高:未知
- 体重:未知
- 地区:美国
- 星座:未知
- 血型:未知
- 生日:2003年11月5日
- 出生地:德克萨斯休斯顿
- 职业:演员
- 毕业院校:未知
- 代表作品:亡者归来,亡者归来第二季
Landon Gimenez was born on Nov. 5, 2003 in Houston, Texas. The first three years of Landon's life were mostly spent in Texas Children's Hospital where he battled a very rare genetic disease. By the age of three, his health stabilized and he was able to start doing normal activities, like gymnastics. By the age of five, Landon began to compete on a high level gymnastics team and continues to do so today. He has won many medals including a 5th place finish out of 200 competitors. Landon also dances. He is a member of The Missouri City Ballet, where he has danced numerous performances including "The Nutcracker," "Swan Lake," and "Alice in Wonderland." Naturally a performer, Landon felt the need to act and entertain. Landon is inspired by the work of Tim Burton. Landon enjoys drawing, and he loves to swim. Landon has two dogs, Tyson, a yellow lab and Alexis, a small mutt and two cats, Max and Blazer. He is the youngest of five children in his family. His oldest brother lives in Australia and plays professional rugby. His three sisters and parents reside in Texas.